Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Persuation paper regarding Family Therapy in school setting Essay
Persuation paper regarding Family Therapy in cultivate backdrop - Essay ExampleAlso, student needs are being met by career counselors and nurses, so it would be a good idea to consecrate family therapy added. Family therapy would help families stay to claimher. at that place are legion(predicate) puzzles that families have that students have to deal with on a daily basis. When they come to school they may be tired, upset, or angry and they have no where to go to babble out somewhat their feelings. A family therapy program could help them by allowing them to talk about(predicate) their feelings. The therapist could then bring the entire family in during school hours and everyone would be helped. Although many parents would have to work during school hours, they may be able to get off for an hour or two in order to do therapy. Family therapy would be free in school. Many families do non have money to go t a therapist in the community and some(a) hatful do not have insurance that will pay for them to go. By having a family therapy program in school, the cost could be paid for through a grant or other educational fund. in that respect might also be people in the community who would contribute to the program. When there is a problem with a student and there is no place in school for them to go, they have to find soulfulness outside of school to help them. If they do not have the resources to find someone, they do not get the help they need. A family therapy program would accomplish two things in this situation The first thing it would do is help them have a therapist they already realise. During the school day, a family therapist could get to kip down students and begin to understand their problems. The second thing that this would accomplish is that it would give parents a person who already knew their nestling from school. Bothe the parents and the child would have a therapist they were already comfortable seeing. Some parents might be terror-stri cken to go to family counseling because they would feel they would not want to have the school know their family business. However, if their child was having problems in school, they should be encouraged to help their child in any situation. Some parents might feel that firing to a therapist means they are mentally ill or that people would think they were crazy. A family therapy program could encourage parents to come in for events that were geared just for them. As an example, a tea or a luncheon to tell parents about the program would be an ideal way for them to get to know more about the family therapy program. The therapist and the principal could make sure that all students take home learning about the counseling program that would encourage parents to come to these events or stop in if they needed to talk to someone. Many schools have school psychologists but they are not the same as a therapist. The school psychologists usually do a lot of testing and they do not really do counseling. The therapist would be able to be the one to do the counseling and they may also get some ideas from the psychologist about what issues students need to address in their studies. Some of the issues that a counselor could help students with would include allowance to school, adjustment to divorce, any abuse issues that might happen at home, alcohol or drug abuse, and friend pressure. These are just some of the issues a skilled counselor could help with and by talking about these issues students may be able to do better in school. Counselors could also do group counseling. There would be students who have the same issues and they could come together as a group and talk about their problems. Maybe
Monday, April 29, 2019
Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing People - Essay ExampleStrategic global human imagination management takes on certain significance in the regions of performance capacity and management, in international businesses. piece Resource Management is a fundamental part for whichever organization. In addition, development of this sector is the primary step, the jell on which the future of the corporation relies on. It is vital for each single business element and in extra for such global company as Coca Cola. Organization at Coca Cola fraternity concentrates on the attainment and retention of exceedingly skilled and well-informed employees so that it can uphold its back position in the marketplace (Khurana, 2011). It c ars for these resources as a plus point. It offers such circumstances of employment and actions that modify all workers to build up a sense of accord with the venture and their dutiesto perform in the closely enthusiastic and effectual manner.It as well provides for the safety of employment to the personnel so that they may non be preoccupied by the worries of their future. These goals, policies, strategies, and programs are pre-exacted by the corporation, which directs the administration and unions in taking choices. In addition, they are in line with the organizations task, goals, strategies, procedures and its and inner, external milieus (Khurana, 2011).HRM is the lawful connection involving the organization and the workers they are to harbor the employment and protection laws, in addition to pursue the practices, which may vary within federal procedures that the employer approves. For an organization, corresponding General Motors has spent more than 50 billion dollars in the previous decade to update its exertion amenities to develop abilities in supple manufacturing (Shetty, 2011). Businesses are at all times searching for compound ways to manufacture goods and overhauls. When novel technical developments provide
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 107
Journal - screen ExampleOther interventions included training the teachers and the parents about the importance of the early intervention programs for the development of the children in the midst of 0 and five years. The government took up the responsibility of providing scholarships for students with disabilities by sponsoring ten male students to work in the transition service with Beacon College of Florida. Specifically, the development service has five core elements, which are the Foundation of self-discovery, faculty member exploration, a preview of campus life, the Florida experience, and post program follow up in Saudi Arabia. The main argufy for the program is conducting interviews about the personal experience for the families who have children with autism.I learn from this presentation that the government of Saudi Arabia has taken an active initiative in establishing programs focus on the disableds needs. Mental and sensible disability is a major challenge for the fam ilies and the patients as they have trouble in their lives. However, interventional programs are rife in empowering the families and victims, as they are a means of liberation. The success of the program demonstrates that infirmity is not inability because when given a chance, even the disabled can use their skills and talent to change the
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Job Order Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Job roll cost - Essay ExampleJob sound out costing is applicable to job order march in factories, workshops, and repair shops, as well as to work by builder, construction, engineers, and printers. It is a highly recyclable procedure, and allows for these various different occupations to do their work efficiently and at the costs that were predetermined to go make in hand with each job.In job order costing, the key is that the work is done to the customers specifications. As a result, each job tends to be different in nature. Even if the job may wait to be on the dot the same at first, often a customer will want a worker to do something different than what was originally thought to be done. For example, job order costing is utilize for construction projects, government contracts, shipbuilding, railcarmobile repair, job printing, textbooks, toys, wood furniture, office machines, caskets, machine tools, and luggage. Accumulating the cost of professional serve (e.g., lawyers, doctors and CPAs), also fall into this category (MAAW, What Is a Cost Accounting System?). Job Order Costing is used by companies where products or go are identifiable by exclusive units or batchesauto repair, tax return preparation, case in an attorneys office, ship construction, etc. The costs imputable to a particular job are assigned directly to it. Difference between Job order Costing and branch CostingIn Job Order Costing,Unit Cost computed by job. many another(prenominal) jobs are worked during the full stop.Costs are accumulated by individual jobs.Costs are traced and applied to individual jobs in Job order cost system.In Process Costing,Costs are accumulated by departments.Unit costs are computed by department.A single product is produced for a long period of timeCosts are traced and applied to departments in a Process Cost system.(McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Chapter4, Systems Design Process Costing) Primary Objective in Job order Costing When a job produces a specific quantity for inventorying, job order costing permits the computation of a unit cost for inventory costing purposes. When jobs are performed on the basis of customer specifications, job order costing permits the computation of a profit or loss on each order. Since costs are revealed as an order goes by dint of production, these costs may be compared with estimates which were made when an order was taken. Job order costing thereby provides opportunities for peremptory costs. It allows the person to help try to keep costs as stable as they can, yet stable find a way to make a profit. This ability helps keep both the worker and customer happy, and helps promote a better relationship between the contractor or professional and the person who is give for the work. This can also help keep costs low, because the customer does not need to pay for services they do not need, even if the professional is capable of doing them. This way, the customer only needs to pay for exactly what they need from the professional. When job order or process cost methods are used, costs must be accumulated for control purposes according to the unit in which the product cost is to be stated. For example, Coal is metrical by the ton, chemicals by the gallon, and lumber by board feet. Products, such as machines, automobiles and shoes are metrical either by the individual unit or by a multiple
Friday, April 26, 2019
Crash 2005 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
brush 2005 - Movie Review ExampleFrom this paper it is clear thatmore than a being a picture, decompose is a social documentary of how racism or the tendency to discriminate and systematically oppress others is deeply rooted in our society as defined by Scupin. It is the perfect analogy of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. Physical subjectistics and racial differences may be see as two distinguishing traits that separate us.This reseach highlights thatanother example of this occurred at the ancestry of the film when the Persian family was attempting to barter for a numbfish. The clerk at the gun shop made a few blatantly racialist comments about the perceptions of the customers. There were several references to the twin towers and planes. It didnt matter that the two were Persian, not Arab. A reoccurring al-Qaida was that post 9/11, all Middle Eastern people became potential terrorists. It is frightful that people study the ability to i nterpret bad events and cast their own prejudices on different cultural groups to mask their opinion of anger and frustration.Certain stereotypes fuddle stood the test of time, no matter how many strides for racial equality have been made.Perhaps stereotypes like that have maintained their prevalence because there are so many people that perpetuate them. It is often believed that all young fatal men are articled to be thugs, criminals and medicine dealers. Additionally it is a common statistic that the majority of incarcerated males are African American.... Another example of this occurred at the beginning of the film when the Persian family was attempting to purchase a gun. The clerk at the gun shop made a few blatantly racist comments about the perceptions of the customers. There were several references to the twin towers and planes. It didnt matter that the two were Persian, not Arab. A reoccurring theme was that post 9/11, all Middle Eastern people became potential terroris ts. It is amazing that people have the ability to interpret bad events and cast their own prejudices on different ethnic groups to mask their feeling of anger and frustration.Certain stereotypes have stood the test of time, no matter how many strides for racial equality have been made. Sandra Bullocks character made the statement about the relationship between white and black people If a white woman sees two black men walking towards her and turns the other way, shes a racist. Well I got scared and didnt say anything, and the next thing I knew, I had a gun shoved in my headPerhaps stereotypes like that have maintained their prevalence because there are so many people that perpetuate them. It is often believed that all young black men are destined to be thugs, criminals and drug dealers. Additionally it is a common statistic that the majority of incarcerated males are African American. As a young black man, it must be difficult to break free of that stereotype.Things will never chang e. That place along with the perpetuation of existing stereotypes may be largely responsible for negative racial longevity. Ludacris character was one of the most interesting to me. Here was this articulate young
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Any proposed area of commercial law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Any proposed area of commercial law - Coursework ExampleA perspective share among the engineering science providers and the companies collecting and mining data is that ethical, hiding-respecting practices simply make good business sense. Are on that point guidelines in lifting privacy policies to help organizations in establishing ethical responsibilities of the organization and the data professionals? How does an organization develop a data privacy policy that provides the environment for trust on the part of the consumers? A major focus needs to be the incorporation of fair information practice principles of notice, choice, access, and security. Management and information technology professionals need to develop an understanding of how to manage data ethically and communicate the policy effectively to the consumers (Samuelson, 1999). more(prenominal) information and experience is needed by students and professionals in management and information technology in the organic e volution of a data privacy policy. This research project serves to provide the needed information and experience for two students and professionals.Current technology makes the threats to privacy less tangible and less visible. It is difficult to know when and for what purposes individuals are existence watched or information is being gathered and used for purposes that are not endorsed by the individuals.While legion(predicate) organizations have the capacity to collect data from consumers, businesses have a profit motive that adds a greater threat to the privacy dilemma. It is not only the continual compilation of data about individuals that poses privacy trepidation, precisely the ways in which data domiciliate be transformed and sold to other organizations. This consumer profiling can be misleading and damaging.If e-commerce is to succeed, businesses must work to develop a trustworthy, secure online environment. Developing a privacy policy is the first step in creating that trust. Incorporating a privacy
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Portrayal of Women's Health Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Portrayal of Womens Health - Research written report ExampleThe portrayal of women wellness issues by the media plays a role in shaping opinion and influencing medical practice around such issues. Women health issues include pregnancy, abortion, female sexual organs and even hormonal issues. Scientific publications that report on women health issues, advertisements that deal around women health issues, films, television programs among other media forms flummox portrayed women health issues in different ways depending on what they seek to achieve. The media coverage of women health issues has been immanent and biased, objectifying women and reporting their issues in relation to their reproductive role in the society.This move seeks to discuss the media portrayal of women health issues focusing on the historical and modern views. With the understanding of the huge role that the media plays in shaping opinions in the society and subsequently influencing the medical practice, the ess ay seeks to discuss the issues around how women health issues atomic number 18 portrayed by the media. This includes issues around womens pregnancy, female sexual organs, abortion and related issues. The issues about the womens health are prevalent in the media ranging from television, print media, commercials, films among other media forms. Therefore, how the health issues of women are presented is important as they influence close making about womens health. In interrogating the fundamental issues around the portrayal of women health issues by the media, the essay seeks to put into perspective the biases, subjectivity, and sexualization of women health issues by the media that immensely affect decision making on the health of a woman (Lee, 1992). The findings shall be provided as well as a brief summary conclusion.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
BUS 499 MoD-5 (SLP) Integation Causal & Strategy Essay
BUS 499 MoD-5 (SLP) Integation Causal & Strategy - Essay Exampleooking at this strategy and its impact on financial performance, it can be concluded that this strategy will snuff it to an increase in revenues, which in turn would lead to greater operating profits and net income. Since the attach to will add new competencies in its operations these competences, presumably will enable it to grasp economies of home plate in its operation and reduce unit price of the product. This coupled with an increase in sales bulk will lead to an increase in the companys profit margins, which ultimately will be reflected on the companys annual profits.In this way, the balance circuit card approach enables the company to achieve its two foremost financial objectives increasing the companys profitability and maximizing the returns of stockholders of the company. By accomplishing two these objectives, the company will ensure future survivability and growth.Kaplan, R. S., and Norton, D. P. (1992) . The Balanced Scorecard Measures That Drive Performance. Retrieved May 17, 2012, from http//library.tmu.edu.tw/news/%5BHarvard%20Business%20Review%20-%20January-February%201992%5D%20-%20Kaplan%20&%20Norton%20-%20The%20Balanced%20Scorecard%20-%20Measures%20That%20Drive%20Pe.pdfKaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (2004). Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets. Retrieved May 17, 2012, from http//www.cma-slp.com/onlinelibrary/OL_English/Strategy%20Implementation/Management%20Accounting/MeasuringTheStrategicReadinessofIntangibleAssets.pdfLawrie, G., and Cobbold, I. (2004). Third-generation balanced scorecard exploitation of an effective strategic control tool. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 53(7), 611 623.Palladium. (2011, June 8).Palladium balanced scorecard hall of fame for executing strategy. Retrieved May 17, 2012, from Roos, G., and Roos, J. (1997). Measuring Your companys Intellectual Performance.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Development Policies and Political Evolution of Jordan Essay
Development Policies and Political Evolution of Jordan - taste ExampleHe has the power to appoint or dismiss the judges, amend the constitution, wage wars, and control the gird forces. He appoints the council of ministers, led by the Prime Minister, which is entrusted with the responsibility of overlooking the affairs of the country concerning general policies.The Jordanian constitution offers three types of courts civil, religious and special, and its administration comprises of a total of twelve governorates each of which is led by a governor, who in turn is appointed by the King. The governors of each governorate are responsible for supervising and managing each(prenominal) the government departments as well as developmental projects in their respective regions1.Jordan, a predominantly monarchist regime, has seen the tremendous transformation on the political front in the past decade. Its transition from monarchy towards a commonwealth has resulted in the establishment of a multi-party system, as well as framing of revolutionary laws and policies that aimed to ensure and bulwark political freedom.Jordan aims to establish itself as a model of a modern Islamic state with humanitarian values. In pursuit of its ideals and a vision to create a model framework for the social, political and scotch development of their country, the Ministry for Political Development was established in the year 2003. This organization put forward a formal definition that aptly described the countrys political ideologies. It is mentioned belowDevelopment is a modernization process that will develop the relationship between the State and society, which will foster in the popular eye(predicate) stability and social peace through developing the law regulating public affairs, stimulating public participation, restructuring the public concepts of organizational and institutional structures and transforming the concepts of adjustment loyalty, transparency, accountability and part icipation from the theoretical stageinto the application sphere.
Information Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Information Security - Research Paper ExampleWith the increase in the workout of distributed computing, mobile computing and the fast growth in the adoption of internet for business communication, there is an increase need for information security. The adoption of these technologies exposes businesses to information theft and fraud through with(predicate) various attacks much(prenominal) as phishing, DoS and virus attacks.Without security for information, a business organization stands a chance of catastrophic disruptions through downmagazine in business critical systems. In the event of restoring such systems a business organization incurs unnecessary and unwanted costs. (Gordon & Loeb, 2002)Violation of covert business needs to be able to protect both guest and employee information, failure to which can result into legal actions and penalties. Financial loss theft of commercial information such as business plans, intellectual property or customer contracts can financially dam age a business organization. Immediate financial impacts can be felt by a business in case of a computer fraud by a staff member. The penalties and fines associated with failure to protect privacy of information about its customers including its staff severely damage the reputation and credibility of the business.Information security principally stresses on the preservation of three factors associated with information confidentially, availability and integrity among others like authorization, authentication and non repudiation. Confidentiality is information privateness preservation that is ensuring that such information as financial projections, technical designs and business reports are only vied by authorized personnel. Integrity ensures that information has not been manipulated or tampered with it ensures that information can be relied upon to be entire to its purpose. The availability aspect of information security ensures that information is accessible to the authorized per sons at the required time
Sunday, April 21, 2019
The Importance of Training and Developing Employees at Wal-Mart Research Paper
The Importance of fosterage and Developing Employees at Wal-Mart - Research Paper characterOut of all these divisions, one important division is rearing and evolution. Training and study is a subsystem of an geological formation. It ensures that due south is reduced learning or behavioral transmute takes place in structured format (Training and Development 2007, par. 4). Most of the organizations did not concentrating in Training before. They believed that managers are born not made also they musical theme that training program is very costly affair and not worth. But there has been a change in this kind of traditional approach. Different from traditional thinking, now Organizations are considering training and development as a retention tool than just a cost. The main objective of this de lineamentment is to create a skillful, willing workforce for any organization. The training and development strategy contains to recognize that there should be continual process of core c ompetence development for all staffs (Cartwright 2003, 53). The objectives can be divided into quadruple sections such as individual, organizational, societal and functional. An individual objective mainly helps to attain the personal goals of the employees which indirectly produce the individual contribution towards the organization. Organizational objectiveshelp the organization with its primary objectives to bring effectiveness of individuals. Societal objectives sloshed the corporate social responsibility of any organization, i.e. to make sure that the particular organization is socially and ethically responsible for the needs of the society. Functional objectives ensure the departments contribution to the organizations goals. foremost Issue Orientation Program for New Associates as a Part to Reduce Employee Turnover Companies need to look for ways of incorporating job enrichment, lateral assignments, rotation programs and other activities that can improve employee retention (Career Development at Walmart 2010). For reducing employee turnover and retaining employees, Wal-Mart has implemented some attracting training tools to assist its employees. One of the major practices through by Wal-Mart is its orientation program. To help in understanding the newcomers all about their job positions, Wal-Mart additionally teaches the plenty about the organizational structure within the company, while recruiting. Employees are welcomed with great honor at the selfsame(prenominal) way how the customersreceives. The simulation exercise helps associates to understand customer expectations and what they can do to meet and exceed those expectations (Stores Training and Development n.d.). Maintain the uniqueness in the retail industry is a big issue confront by Wal-Mart like any other market leader. For that in the next phase of the orientation program, associates inform the companys history and culture, store work expectation and environment, the impact on customers, communities and associates. Last part of the orientation program is the Audio store Discovery Tour. In this exercise, new associates listen to the voices of customers and associates through a headset and audio-playing device (Stores Training and Development n.d.). All these initiatives are aimed at making employees stay within the organization more favorable. This empowers the employees and gives them the incentive to remain within the company (Career Development at Walmart 2010). Issue 2 Training and Development for New Associates Training and development is not one-time occurrence at Wal-Mart.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Fashion Theory And Fashion Practice Literature review
Fashion Theory And Fashion Practice - Literature review ExampleThis topic focuses on the trend industry. Fashion practice wholly depends on the ability to establish brands that meet the air needs of a particular target market during a particular era. For this reason, companies such as cocoanut Chanel and Yves Saint-Laurent keep a close tab on the changing preferences of the clients with time, hence are able to go away what the clients exactly need (Myers et al. 2011).Some of the towns that have been known for their fashion and have well-established international fashion houses entangle Paris, Milan, London and New York (Scaraboto & Fischer 2014). These cities house some of the greatest fashion companies in the world the residents in these cities confront a culture that appreciates fashion and art, hence the reason for the flourishing fashion wear industry. Fashion weeks are usually organized for the designers to display new fashion collections. This has forced the designers t o go an extra mile in as far as creativity and innovation in the fashion industry is concerned. In conclusion, fashion is a habitual trend or popular practice that is time-bound and keeps changing depending on age, gender, race, culture, and religion, among other powerful factors within the target market. this is the reason that makes the fashion industry a very expansive and dynamic field that requires a very talented and creative labor force that has the ability to think beyond the writ large and design unique styles that will keep customers coming for more as is sufficiently exhibited by in the blooms bury journals.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Reflection paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Reflection - Research newspaper Ex deepOn the other side, the director did non try to make office of his individual independence in the movie Lord of the Flies. In short, I dispense the film Lord of the Flies as the visual version of the novel. This reflection paper is divided into three human psychology, alienation and survival instinct, and beat to gain ultimate power. Human psychology I wish to visualize how I react when I happen to reach an uninhabited island. In the film, one can see that the director followed the novel, plainly provides ample importance to human psychology. For instance, the boys (say, military schooling cadets) like Ralph and Jack possess leadership quality. Ralph tries to make use of his leadership quality to help others and plans to escape from the island. But Jack makes of his leadership quality to intimidate others and to conquer them. The clash between Ralph and Jack divides the boys into two groups. One can see that cohesive feeling leads to an giotensin converting enzyme in a diverse society. When we face a personal problem, our family members help us to solve the same. deep down the context of the film, cohesive feeling helps the boys to survive. But some of the boys under Jacks leadership depict their real character of savagery. On the other side, revolt against leadership is related to survival. ... In the film, Jack is not realise to use him leadership quality for the wellbeing of his followers. Instead, he tries to kill Ralph and his followers. So, the director makes use of the characters like Ralph and Jack to unveil the differences among human beings. Alienation and survival instinct If I happen to be in a far away Island, I lead try my level best to survive. Then, I will consider the scope of escaping from the Island. One can see that survival is most important for an individual who is entrapped in a lonely island. In the film, the director portrays the boys attempt to survive in the island. The boys are milit ary school cadets but they face alienation in the island because their motherland is far away. When we face the problem of alienation in the society, we react differently. For instance, some individuals will be ready to face the problem and some others will consider that their life is doomed. But some others will try to grab leadership. In the film, most of the boys are ready to accept Ralphs leadership, because he is an inborn leader. The boys considered that Ralph can help the group to escape from the island. The survival instinct congenital in human beings is helpful to deal with critical conditions in life. But Jack considers Ralph as an antagonist and tries to kill him. One can see that Jacks aim was not to escape from the island, but to create his own kingdom in the island. He provides less importance to alienation and related issues. In the film, Ralphs leadership proves to be unsuccessful because he fails to take apt decisions in critical conditions. On the other side, Jac k exploits Ralphs drawbacks and gains the confidence of the other members of the group. The struggle to gain ultimate power The stir between good and
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Ethics and Morality Aspects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
moral philosophy and Morality Aspects - Essay ExampleAnd these laws ar scattered in over 50 titles of the United States Code, encompassing roughly 27,000 pages (Rosenzweig, 2003).The outlaw laws now administer with even minor offenses like spitting on the street, swearing, behavior in public places etc. These laws likewise rent with sexual offenses or behavior that over the years has evolved. The issues of White Collar crimes that must have been dealt by specialized civil laws are now the part of the criminal laws. Similarly the street laws that should have been implement by the state laws are also now part of the federal criminal laws.Criticism is hurled in the way of such legislations that they are most of the times too harsh on crimes committed by citizens. Over criminalization, is considered to be more(prenominal) politically motivated. These laws seem to be an attempt by politicians and federal bureaucrats to deal with crime rates. Instead of emphasizing the protection o f individual sets, it preserves the political interests of the state and current majority groups. The nature of such laws is such that it could lead to the misuse of criminal laws. The plummeted growth of such federal criminal laws has given way to a debate that over criminalization has resulted in crisis situation in America.Ethics and morality aspects come under discussion when the topic of over criminalization is debated. ... According to the Right speculation philosophers, what makes human beings different from mere animals or inanimate things is that people have hauteur based on their ability to choose freely what they will do with their lives, and they have a fundamental moral right to have these choices respected. According to them, people are not objects to be manipulated and it is a violation of human dignity to use people in ways they do not freely choose. There are certain respectable theories that grant people deviate in certain circumstance. For example telling a hypocrisy is considered ethically and morally wrong. In certain circumstances a person can lie to make unnecessary matchlesss own or some other persons life. If there was a law to regulate lying consequently that person would get caught. Laws in situations that involve moral or ethical issues can make things more complicated. Ethics and morality standards also vary from one person to another. Showing public affection for one person is ok but for another it is ethically incorrect. It is therefore hard to generalize one ethical standard on every person particularly with respect to issues related to peoples personal choices. Rights under reportAmerican constitution provides its countrymen the right of liberty of expression under its laws. Americans are of the view that this right of freedom is not just related to speech and writing but they can express themselves in either way possible. They believe they can do what they want and these are the rights people want to exercise when they front strict laws that they think at times restricts their privacy and freedom of expression. In this regard, it would be necessary to honorable mention the clauses invoked to support the point of
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Websites review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Websites review - Assignment ExampleThe website for the Centre for Child Studies has been developed with a very elemental frame of mind. No mind boggling graphics have been used, just simple enough to pass on all the necessary information for the person viewing it. All the methods of contacting them are there in shocking & white and blue of Skype even, so to speak. Although, the text is very simple and easy, the content in intense for drill the virtual tour included for the ease of the reader.Coming to the crux of the matter, it develops research databases and reports for toddlers and their language development skills. It calls turn out for more parents helping in the research, making it a unique group for two the parents and the researchers. Not save this formulates a sub-culture among the whole American society but also helps future parents and doctors to look into patterns of child development. This in conclusion helps them ascertain facts about child development and the sh ift in it with the ever-so-changing time.This website can be found on www.zerotothree.org. As the name suggests this website also deals with formulating a culture of change for children up to the age of three from birth. The website presents a neat and persuasive view along with inducing clicks from flock visiting the website. The graphic presentation has been kept simple and the view presents a professional, a must for the type of people they are trying to attract. Parents and researcher, both communities are serious onlookers for information as they want the best facts, so to equip themselves to raise their children honest and publish about them, respectively. This website, at least on the looks of it, provides these very basic needs of both.The website combines the best of whim asks for more and processes that data for any information monger passing the world of the web looking for answers. It calls for people sharing their experience of parenting, coupled along with the expe rt opinions,
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
How Obtaining My Degree Essay Example for Free
How Obtaining My Degree EssayDeciding to go continue my teaching method and further learning is single of the best(p) decisions Ive made only because its what will get ahead my future living, financially and mentally as well. We all fork up an idea of what we want in feel, simply we end up doing the opposite and resulting in being miserable. A person want me, a sick man, is pretty lucky to have come this far 39 years without going to prison. With a degree, I would be more knowledgeable and kindly accepted. I havent always chosen the unspoilt friends.Luckily, I havent been in any trouble. Although college is a privilege but I go out it more as a necessity in manner in order to expand my horizons and lifes possibilities. Attending school will teach me useful tips Ill use for the rest of my life, whether its period management, not procrastinating with anything and pushing myself to the highest possible limit. Earning a degree will change my life, and my childs life in many ways. A degree would help us in this economic downturn.I have been working as a hairdresser for over 10 years now, and while it pays the bills, there is no room to go on vacation. There are no emergency funds set aside. Our saving may be getting better however I do not believe I elicit get a head. I will continue skating by, or worse, an emergency may happen and I will not have the funds to cover it. A degree would get me pride in myself. Ive always wanted to go to college, however I could never have the right time. A degree would help me accomplish a better life for myself, and my daughter.It will as well as set a huge example for my child. You never want your children to experience your downfalls. People want the best for their children. I believe my daughter will be more inclined to go to college if I were to alum and earn my degree. She has seen the jobs Ive had in the past, the trials, tribulations, financial hardships, stress, the many times weve had to move, and she can compare it to how stable we can live once Ive earned a successful living because of Higher Education.I would like to study Business Administration with an emphasis on human resources management I love the development aspects and seeing people up to win at there job with proper training and financial statement My profession in business would make my daughter and immediate family so proud of me. Not one person in my immediate family went to college. I would love to make modernistic history, and set a new trend within my family. At the end of the mean solar day college is not something to not take seriously it requires dedication, patience, social skills, etc.College is something provided for adults of all ages that offer the opportunity to become a more advanced educated citizen. Its something with great value and credibility in the real world when it comes to seeking for a salary stipendiary job, with any college experience comes an automatic gain especially if completed and exited with a degree. At the end of the day college is not for everyone to attend is what I have always been told, but I now know that it is for me
Monday, April 15, 2019
Summer Heights High Paper Essay Example for Free
pass highschool high up Paper Essay pose Audience- The tar sire audience for the Ameri brush off edition of summer heights High is way out(a) to to be male and females aged 20-34 that make up 20.9% of the total U.S. population, the penetration size depart be the Americans aged 25-29 that clear a college bachelors degree and atomic number 18 mature enough for certain types of references and jokes. The tar assume market was selected because instead of the Australian pass heights High setting being in a high school the American version result be in a college setting. A college setting was elect because non since 2000- son Meets World has an ABC image had a junior (under 18) site audience. The majority of ABC betokens are or have been geared towards families with young and/or teenage children in middle income two parent households i.e. George Lopez, agree to Jim, My Wife and Kids. ABC Network has yet to have a manoeuvreing relatable to college students, and recent college graduates.The humor of Australian degenerate highschool High is stumbleensive, crude, ob purview and vulgar all of which is okay for a paid for vane station such as HBO alone for a prime while ABC Network show the humor has be dialed back. The target audience is mature enough for pop, political and social references and jokes and old enough not to generate something offensively provided as mere funniness unlike a typical American family where the children and parents who are watching the show might have to make the children leave the room or parents have to testify the children not to repeat something seen on the show that was meant as comedic but can be taken off screen and used in an inappropriate, offensive fashion.Time Slot- The clip slot elect for the American adaptation of spend Heights High ordain be Mondays at 900pm EST. The season slot was chosen because it is the time slot that gained the usual TV show Two and a Half Men an median(a) of 15 mi llion viewers. It is to a fault the time right afterwards How I Met Your M another(prenominal) on CBS. The show get out run March-July so that it does not interfere with Monday Night Football. The show will air after Dancing with the Stars on ABC. The time slot is ideal for the target audience because Mondays are usually a down day for both college students and those just getting into the workforce so the show can be something to look forward to, also because Mondays are usually not a typical outlet bulge night for college students or regular workers and the workload for both is usually light and then increases as the hebdomad goes on. Therefore, the show will not interfere with schoolwork, after work happy hours, or other variant workloads. 900pm EST is not a late time, which makes it easy to watch right out front the news and appreciate Kimmel Live.Competing Shows- With various networks, television shows and time slots, viewers have mevery options, which means the American adaptation of spend Heights High would have many competitors. Listed competitors include basic cable networks, assuming that not everyone in our target audience has cable, shows at the akin time slot and similar shows at different time slots.CBS On Monday nights on CBS at 900pm the competitors would be Two Broke Girls and Mike Molly. Both shows are comedies and pose a threat to with similar target audiences. On Monday nights at 800pm, right before Summer Height High, on CBS How I Met Your Mother and Rules of Engagement come on. Stated ahead that the time slot was chosen so that we would not compete with How I met Your Mother because it is one of the most popular shows among the target audience. Summer Heights High would be what people look forward to after they get a few laughs in with How I Met Your Mother.NBC On Monday nights at 900pm on NBC the popular relation competition The Voice is on. Since The Voice is not a comedy and does not resonate highly with the same target audi ence it is not seen as a direct threat. However, a new show on NBC will be coming on right after The Voice called Revolution.The show may disembowel some of the same target audience but since it is not a comedy, those that are looking for something very much(prenominal) more comedic will turn to ABC.FOX On Monday nights at 900pm on FOX an hour-long show called The Following comes on, it is not a comedy but it does appeal to some of the same target audience. The show that comes on right before The Following is Bones, which is another crime show. Research shows that our target audience finds recreate in the crime shows, therefore although Bones does not come on at the same time, it is practicable that the target audience will decide to watch one show over the other.the CW On Monday nights at 900pm on the CW the popular show 90210 comes on. The show is popular among high school and early college students but also appeals to the target audience which makes the CWs 90210 a direct co mpetitor. Even though 90210 is not a comedy is has been around for, going on, six seasons and has viewer loyalty.Show Overview- The American adaptation of Summer Heights High, to match the target audience and to have independent brand awareness from the Australian version will be renamed to Summer Heights U, U standing for university. It was decided to stick with the one actor contend three different roles. That decision was decided upon because it is unlike any other television character, aside from SNL. The comedy will not be raunchy or obscene. The script will not include conviction words but may include racial slurs, in a non-derogatory way, and language that may be deemed as offensive. The jokes that the show will not have will be jokes around the mentally or physically disabled or of sexual preference. The jokes that will be included will be jokes on race, physical ability such as strength or weakness, male physique, social class, and more.The script will be risqu but in ac cordance with the Federal Communication Committees guidelines. Aside from the chief(prenominal) character, which is white, other characters will be of various other races including Latino because of the 12.5% American population of Latinos and Black because of the 12.3% American population of Blacks. Instead of a division of common soldier and public school there will be a division of larger state school andsmaller schools. Summer Heights U is going to be set in the outskirts of Los Angeles. USC is also located in Los Angeles and therefore in episodes the Summer Heights U will see to have the same caliber football game s place, large school savour but will never be able to be like USC because the Summer Heights U football group is terrible. Los Angeles was chosen because of it populations size and number of colleges in California and the abundance of the target market and the total population of California makes up 2.9% of the United States total.Characters- The main three ch aracters will be vie by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was chosen because he was a child actor on the television show Home Improvement from 1991-1998 a time period where the target audience was younger and growing up. Therefore, he resonates with the current target audience because they grew up watching him. He was also chosen because he has low-keyed features to be able to play a female role and has a comedic background. hexSummer Heights High In Summer Heights High jinx is the definition of a bully and bother child. He comes from a single family home and is the ultimate rebel. He is in remedial reading because he has the reading level of an eight year old. He likes to lie, graffiti bathrooms, and punk other students. He has channel and is disruptive in class and does not pay attention. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U jinx is a typical dumb jock in college. He is in reality cocky because he is the second string quarterback and thinks he should be starting quarterback. he does not make good grades and is a general studies major because he does not know what he wants to do with his life besides play football. Summer Heights U will keep Jonahs dry humor the same as in Summer Heights High, he makes fun of other team members for not being as athletic as he believes he is. He is also a womanizer and thinks that he can any girl that he wants and attends parties where he endlessly gets rejected. Jonah relates to the target audience because he is that guy that everyone in college loves to hate. He is annoying and always commands attention but everyone finds him entertaining.Jamie (Jamie)Summer Heights High In Summer Heights High Jamie is a bitchy private school exchange student who loves to gossip and is self-absorbed. She finds public school people to be dumb and merely cares about being popular. She is obsessed with being hot and dates a younger student because she thinks it would be cool. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U Jamies name will be changes to Jamie, a more American name and she is a college student from the upper east side of modern York. She thinks that she is better than everyone than everyone else and only can to summer Height U because she could not get into USC and wanted to get away from her parents. She only wears designer clothes, is obsessed with being skinny and popular. Instead of dating a younger guy, Jamie dates an older man and the shows how the relationship falls apart. Jamie is self-absorbed and conceited and makes fun of people from the West semivowel because she believes the West coast is better than the West. Jamie relates to the target audience because she resonates with women in the way that women in the age radical all usually have that one friend that they hate but hang out with any way because they like to be better than her.Mr. G ( pusher G)Summer Heights High In Summer Heights High Mr. G is a flamboyant drama class teacher. He is excessive and OCD. When he gets a promotion h e abuses his title and is insensitive when a student dies. He comes off as selfish and full of himself and cares only about drama and theatre. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U instead of Mr. G being a drama teacher he is going to be the Summer Height U football team coach. He thinks that his team is the best in the state blush though they are a NAIA conference football team. He breathes and sleeps football and is always pushing to build a larger stadium. Like Mr. G he is insensitive and always pushes the team to be in the best shape and always has them on strict diets. Coach G relates to the target audience because the target audience is also big football watchers and can understand the antics of a coach.Doug Peterson (Student Welfare)Summer Heights High In Summer Heights High Mr Peterson tries to answer Jonah and makes him sign a contract to be have better and acts as a mediatorbetween Jonah and the kids he bullies. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U Mr Peterson is the scho ol counselor and helps Jonah while he is on academic probation. He tries to help Jonah get his grades up and gets him to try not to be a womanizer and get a girlfriend. He also is an older scorch man and will be played by Kevin Hart and makes fun of Jonah while he helps him. Kevin Hart is a popular black comedian with which the target audience is familiar.Margaret Murray (Principal)Summer Heights High In Summer Heights High Principal Murray is a quiet yet stern genius and is excited when Ja mie starts at Summer Heights High. She is very stern with Mr G and is reluctant in permit him build a new theatre center. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U Principal Murray is Dean Murray and is a middle aged asian woman played by Lucy Lu. Lucy Lu was chosen because she is known for being dry in her humor and being unintentionally remarkable she has also been in recent shows and past movies that appeal to the target audience. Dean Murray is stern with Coach G when it comes to building the stadium because she believes more in academics and making the school cleaner. She gets excited about Jamie enrolling because she secretly wants forfeit and move to New York.Sarah Wheatley (English Teacher)Summer Heights High In Summer Heights High run Wheatley is Jonahs English teacher. She gets disrespected by him and made fun of by him. Jonah always punks her and tells her puck you, miss. Jonah gives her a great deal of stress throughout the series. Summer Heights U In Summer Heights U Miss Wheatley is professoressor Wheatley and is Jonahs English 200 professor. Tina Fey will play Prof Wheatley and instead of Jonah making fun of her and giving her a hard time she gives Jonah a hard time because he is filing her class. Tina Fey and the story line was chosen because Tina Fey is a former SNL cast member and is very funny and relatable to the target audience.Pilot installingSummary In the pilot episode all of the main characters will be introduced and the storyline will follow th em on the scratch line day of fall semestersophomore year. In the scene it is Jamies first day at the school and she is seek to fit in with various sorority girls. Jonah is back practicing on the football field he and Coach G are never in the same scene together. Coach G just yells at him from the sidelines usually. In the pilot episode Coach G is introduced trying to workbench press a heavy weight in front of his players but fails miserably. Mr Peterson is seen trying to help Jonah figure out why he cant get a girlfriend and Prof Wheatley is making fun of Jonah for misspelling his name. The american adaptation is more like a sitcom rather than a mockumentary.The pilot episode opens in the university gym that is decked out in school colourise of green and yellow. In the scene we see Coach G laying on a bench trying to bench press 215 pounds, claiming that it is easy. With the team around him he fails and says that he only couldnt do it because he had not has his protein shake y et and exclaims that the team has to do sprints and push ups after weigh in and that if anyone has lost weight that they have to do weighted pull ups as well as revel 5 protein shakes a day.The next scene is then moved to the focus on Jonah earlier in the day where he is in class with Prof Wheatley. Prof Wheatley is handing back the first typography of the semester and is unimpressed. She give the students a lecture on how they are not freshman anymore and need to spend less time getting drunk and high and more time working on their papers. When Jonah gets his back, to no surprise gets a 10%. Prof Wheatley then publicly announces that Jonah did not even spell his name right on his paper because he must have been too grumpy playing with his balls, making a reference to him being a football player.Jamie is now introduced and is seen in the quad texting while she is surrounded by a group of sorority girls, all of whom she thinks she is better than and would not be caught suddenly i n Greek letters because they would not match her Birkin bag. She is talking to them about her older boyfriend and how much she misses New York because the sun in California will ruin her perfect skin. All the girls make plans to go out to a bar that night and Jamie says she will only go if they have sell time of origin red burgundy wine. Thefinal scene shows Dean Murray in her office talking to Coach G about the upcoming football season. She tells him that if they dont have at least 5 wins this season shes going to cut the football program funding. Coach tries to convince her that they are stronger and and a better team than ever and that all the guys can bench press 215 pounds. She tells him that all team members also need to be passing all of their classes and this puts Coach G in a bind because he knows that half of the team might fail out.The show ends at that and episode two will show how Coach G plays on getting the team stronger and passing, shows Jamie out at the bar and wha t happens when she runs into her older businessman boyfriend and if Jonah will ask out his crush.
In the lake of the woods Essay Example for Free
In the lake of the woods set aboutI believe that everything that happened in the story is an effect of put-ons sufferings. We can say that John is the real victim in this book. The story tells us that John, as a child was frequently ill-use verbally and physically by his alcoholic father, whom to other children seemed the perfect father. John then turns to his fantasy of macrocosm a sorcerer in order to treat him ego from the abuse.According to Penn recount Childrens Hospital, over the abundant run, abused children are more likely to use drugs, be line up sexually promiscuous, have low self esteem, exhibit extremely passive or aggressive behavior, have difficulty with interpersonal relationships, perform disadvantageously in school, have frequent nightmares, and experience depression that can lead to attempted suicide. These may develop how John became a not-so normal adult, who now believes that he is in fact, the sorcerer.In wizard long-term study, as many as 80 perce nt of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder at age 21 (Child Welfare Information Gateway). Kathys disappearance provides us a venue to think of what John could have done. OBrien, the author of In the Lake of the Woods, lets us readers decide. In a human rights point of view, I firmly believe that child abuse has immeasurable make as proven by the statements above. A physically abused child may become as violent as his oppressor or even more.With this, I can say that Johns psychological health was affected and this is why Kathy, his wife disappeared. It can be that John, spilled hot water over Kathy when he said he poured the boiling water on the plants. It only manifests that John has violent tendencies. Johns psychological health may have also been deterred by his participation in the Vietnam massacre. He is punishable of his In the Lake of the Woods page 2 participation and is trying to erase the thought by pitiable to another place. And his plan did not work.We can say that John may have murdered his wife and plans to kill himself afterwards. Johns human right was violated as a child and come his adult life, he has done the same. Keeping human rights in mind, this is what I think happened in the story. This is not exclusive to the book but is also prevalent in todays society. Wars are waged because individuals human rights were stepped on, fathers hit their spouses because they were also abused by their fathers. It only says that human rights violation is a disease.It is a social cancer that leads to death and violence. The book tells us how human rights play a part and that it is not just a set of rules but a law that protects our lives and our future.Bibliography Long-term Consequences of Child maltreatment and Neglect. Child Welfare Information Gateway. 9 December 2006. http//www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/factsheets/long_term_consequences. cfm Child Physical Abuse. Penn State Childrens Hos pital. 9 December 2006. http//www. hmc. psu. edu/childrens/healthinfo/pq/physicalabuse. htm.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Judicial Activism Essay Example for Free
Judicial Activism EssayIt is perhaps unsurprising that the expectant judicatory led by Chief arbitrator Earl state of warren from 1953 to 1969 invalidated federal, state and local laws at intimately twice the rate of the Roberts woo. But the more conservative court that followed, led by Chief jurist Warren E. Burger from 1969 to 1986, was even more activist, striking down laws in almost 9 percent of its cases, compared with besides over 7 percent in the Warren court and just 4 percent in the Roberts court. The court led by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist from 1986 to 2005 was also more activist than the current one, at 6.4 percent.In a new book, Terms of Engagement, Clark M. Neily III of the Institute for Justice, a libertarian group, calculated that the Supreme speak to laid low(p) down just 103 of the 15,817 laws enacted by Congress in the half-century ending in 2002. It is implausible, he wrote, to look the federal government hits the constitutional strike zone 99.5 percent of the time. Mr. Neily urged the Supreme apostrophize to be more active but rejected the phrase judicial activism. After the Supreme Court argument in the case in the spring of 2012, with things looking grim for the fate of his law, Mr. Obama tried to shift the terms of the word back to activism. Id just remind conservative commentators, he said, that for years what weve heard is the biggest line on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint that an unelected group of mint would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law.Three months after Mr. Obamas remarks, Chief Justice Roberts broke with his usual conservative allies and voted with the courts four liberals to uphold the law. In a joint dissent, the four conservatives said the majority was wrong to portray its ruling as judicial coldness when it amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching. In a recent essay, Why We Need more than Judicial Activism, Suzanna Sherry, a law profes sor at Vanderbilt University, said the Supreme Court had erred more very muchtimes in sustaining laws than in striking them down. Too much of a good thing can be bad, she wrote, and democracy is no exception.The articles central claim is based upon political science query showing that the Roberts Court has been more likely to reach conservative decisions than its predecessors. Liptak reports In its first five years, the Roberts court issued conservative decisions 58 percent of the time. Andin the term ending a year ago, the rate go to 65 percent, the highest number in any year since at least(prenominal) 1953. The recent shift to the just is modest. And the courts decisions hasten hardly been uniformly conservative. The justices have, for instance, limited the use of the death penalty and rejected broad claims of executive power in the governments efforts to combat terrorism. But scholars who look at overall trends rather than individual decisions say that widely accepted poli tical science data place an unmistakable story about a notably conservative court.This distinction is important because the data presented by Liptak suggests that the Roberts Court is such a conservative minimalist court. Indeed, it appears to be the most restrained or least activist (if activism is defined as willingness to overturn federal statutes or prior precedents) Court since World War II. According to the data presented with the article in this chart, the Warren, Burger and Rehnquist Courts overturned precedents at an average rate of 2.7, 2.8 and 2.4 per term, respectively. The Roberts Court, on the another(prenominal) hand, has only overturned an average of 1.6 precedents per term. The record on striking down laws shows a similar pattern. The Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist Courts struck down an average of 7.9, 12.5, and 8.2 laws per term, whereas the Roberts Court has only invalidated an average of 3 laws per term. Liptak acknowledges this data at the resolve of his art icle, but downplays it with his description The Roberts court is finding laws unconstitutional and reversing precedent two measures of activism no more often than earlier courts.So, while the majority of the Roberts Courts decisions are conservative, the data Liptak summarizes does not appear to have resulted in a more conservative legal regime, as the Roberts Court has done relatively teeny to change the law (at least thus far) compared to its predecessors. This is important, because it effectively refutes claims that there is anything particularly radical or activist about the Roberts Court, even if one accepts that it is notably conservative.There is no evidence as yet that the Roberts Court is as willing to challenge federal power as the Court was under Burger (National League of Cities v. Usery) or Rehnquist (Lopez, Morrison, Boerne). There are exceptions, such as some of the Courts Miranda decisions which have certainly do the law less protective of criminal suspects and defendants and Citizens United, but these exceptions are balanced by aggressive liberal opinions in areas like executive power and the death penalty. In sum, even if most of the Roberts Courts decisions are conservative a substantive analysis of the Roberts Courts decisions does not reveal a significant rightward shift in the law.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Long Term Care-Hospice Essay Example for Free
Long Term C ar-Hospice EssayHospice is a process to end-of-life headache and a kind of rear facility for terminally ill uncomplainings. It provides comforting fretting, patient-centered c be and related operate. Comforting conduct relieves discomfort without improving the patients condition or curing his illness. Hospice is extended in a tumescenessc ar facility or at home. Its objective is to provide compassionate, emotional, and un force outny care for the dying patient. The inauguration of the word hospice in medieval times meant way station for weary travelers (Perry). The first hospices were run by members of religious orders in the medieval times that cared for weary travelers whom ground refuge with them until their closing. Modern hospices are believed to oblige started in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century in capital of Ireland, Ireland. Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity provided a clean and care place for the terminally ill. The rear hospice was f irst applied to the care of dying patients by Mme Jeanne Garnier who founded the Dames de Calaire in Lyon, France, in 1842. The name was next introduced by the Irish Sisters of Charity when they opened Our Ladys Hospice in Dublin in 1879 and St Josephs Hospice in Hackney, London 1905.The practice became popular in England, Asia, Australia and Africa. It was exclusively in the early 70s that the hospice excogitation was introduced and accepted in the United States through the efforts of medical students Cicely Saunders and Elisabeth Kobler-Ross. These practices included effective pain concern, comprehensive home care work, counseling for the patient, and acceptance of goal as the natural end of the care delivery by wellness care professionals, bereavement counseling after the patients death, and continued research and education (Wexler Frey). theatrical role care at the end of life soon combined with grief counseling and bereavement care. The presidency stepped in to contain health-care be when reimbursement for inpatient hospitalization was significantly reduced. Home- ground hospice care similarly became popular as a more inexpensive alternative to hospitalization or care in a care for facility (Wexler Frey).The hospice concept was non immediately accepted by conservative health professionals. The concept emphasizes caring more than curing. It also allows interaction with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. A hospices primary turn or service is to enable the patient and his family to accept death as a natural map of the life cycle (Wexler Frey, 2004). In addition, it provides pain management and psycho-spiritual support and complementary and alternative therapies. Approximately 80% of hospice patients are in the terminal or end-stage of cancer. Traditional medical facilities provide pain medications when requested, a hospice administers these medications on a regular basis and before they are needed. The intention is to prev ent pain from recurring. Furthermore, the problem of addiction and other long-term consequences is not a concern in the case of terminal illness. The concern is to provide effective relief to the great degree possible (Wexler Frey).A second major service of a hospice is to relieve physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual discomfort to the patients family and others c pull back associates (Wexler Frey, 2004). It relies on members of the clergy, pastoral counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, corrade therapists and other skilful volunteers to alleviate the discomfort. A hospice also provides grief and bereavement counseling and support groups to assist family members in expressing or resolving emotional tensions. And it allows the use of complementary and alternative therapies, in addition to conventional medicine, in the defy of symptoms and in improving the patients well-being. A 2002 study conducted on the inclusion of such therapies showed that patients who autho rized them expressed more satisfaction with hospice care than those who did not receive them.These therapies include acupuncture, music therapy, pet therapy, bodywork, massage therapy, aromatherapy, Reiki or energy healing, Native American rites, herbal intervention and similar methods intended to soothe the patient and his family and friends (Wexler Frey). A survey was conducted in 2000 on more than 9,000 patients discharged from more than 2,000 hospices on the operate they acquire (Carlson, 2007). It revealed that 22% of them received five major alleviant care services, which varied among the hospices. These palliative care services were nursing care, medico care, medication management, psychological care, and caregiver support. Approximately 14% of the hospices provided all five services and 33% provided tho one or dickens services. Only 59% of these patients received medication management services. These included administering medication, dispensing correct dosages, and good dealting and following dosage schedule.Growth ProjectionsThe National Hospice and mitigatory precaution memorial tablet reported that, as of 2003, there were 3,139 hospice programs in operation in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico (Wexler Frey, 2004). The Centers for Disease prevail and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics said that, in 2000, there were 11,400 combined home health and hospice care agencies, which served 1.5 million patients. It also reported that, at present, more than 90% of hospice care is delivered at home, although based in medical facilities. Hospital-based programs often provide hospice care in a wing or a floor in the building. There are also independent and for-profit hospices exclusively for the care of the terminally ill. nearly programs strikeer several(prenominal)(prenominal) inpatient and home care and allow patients to use one or both types of service (Wexler Frey). In 2005, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Org anization reported that more than 4,100 hospice programs were operating nationally (Marshall, 2007).A third of these were for-profit companies. The rise in figures led financial analysts to view the hospice industry as among the strongest increment areas in healthcare. Hospice is cost-effective and more people are getting aware of the concept. Records showed that hospice spending had grown at 26% annually since 1989 as compared with 7% increase in overall health expenses in the akin period. Despite this statistical increase, the hospice market has yet to be substantially tapped. Of the approximately 2 million apparent(a) deaths in 2003, altogether 710,000 were in hospice. further new government regulations in the 80s boosted the growth of hospices.These regulations allowed hospice providers into assisted sprightliness centers and nursing facilities. Since their exposure to the patients, the industry became a more attractive enterprise. The hospice concept has grown from a u nbidden effort to a highly profitable industry worth $9 billion today. It is predicted to continue growing as baby boomers opt for the good death. Of the 47 hospices in Colorado, 53% are non-profit and 36% are for-profit. Nationwide, for-profit hospices multiplied four times between 1994 and 2004 at six times the growth of non-profit hospices (Marshall).Issues and ApproachesHospices operate on thin investment margins of only 8 to 12% on the average and receive Medicare payments of only $ one hundred twenty-five per day per patient for routine home care (Marshall, 2007). They are lucky to prepare thousands of volunteers to support operation. But making a profit can be difficult. Medicare regulations state that hospice can be used only up to six months. Yet many patients die just weeks from arrival. If death comes within two weeks of admission, the costs go quite high. Another problem that for-profit hospices confront is maintaining a level of quality care (Marshall). well-nigh hosp ices require physicians to estimate that the patient is un worryly to survive to six months (Wexler Frey, 2004). This intention is to maintain Medicare eligibility. This disqualifies terminal patients with changeful prognoses, the homeless and isolated patients. Moreover, health care costs constrain patients to limit their stay in hospices.The gelded stay reduces the chance and time for pastoral and psychological counselors to help the patient and the family to deal with the situation efficaciously (Wexler Frey). Short stay also incurs more and more costly care (Solnik, 2002). Medicare and private insurers pay per diem, which style that reimbursements remain the same and hospices must cover the rest of the expenses. Furthermore, the patient may not need a lot care at times and that increases the delivery cost per day. But hospices realize they have to live with this cosmos (Solnik). Other problems arise when staying too long in a hospice (Solnik, 2002). Prior to admission, t wo physicians must agree that the patient probably has six months or less to live. The patient must also agree to interchange the use of life-saving equipment and treatments with palliative ones.The purpose is to keep him comfortable. If he survives the six-month limit, Medicare payments drain and the hospice must eventually reimburse some of the payments (Solnik). The cost of more effective pain medication has added to the cost of hospice care (Solnik, 2002). Hospices admit they are losing notes because of the treatment modes applied to end-of-life care. Regulations must cover all the expenses incurred in all the stages of terminal illness. Medical procedures, like chemotherapy and radiation, are frequently used to alleviate pain and symptoms and for cure. Intravenous medications tackle pain but are also costlier than other forms. The appearance of new and costlier doses blurs the fine line between life-saving and mere comfort-giving. Chemotherapy can backlash a tumor to allow swallowing and radiation can ease or reduce pain. If the hospice is not well financed, one or two patients who demand these procedures can bring cost problems to the hospice.Shareholders who fear that the return on their investment is jeopardized may decide to cut down on staff. They may also shed off community grief centers, extensive bereavement care, alternative therapies, and inpatient care centers. The multicultural view of death is another issue in hospices in the United States and Western Europe (Wexler Frey, 2004). Migrants with Easter cultures have an altogether different perspective from those with Western cultures. The Chineses concept of death is a sharp example. The views of death and end-of-life values of other cultures should be incorporated into the policies of hospice care programs (Wexler Frey). The low rate and significant increase of physician services are additional troubles for hospices (Carlson Morrison, 2007).In most cases, hospice physicians expositici pate only in care planning meetings, not in direct or actual patient care. The 6% increase in the subjugate of patients receiving physician services was not considered significant. Still less than a third of these patients received hands-on physician services. This could be the offshoot of the original and non-medical concept of hospice care (Carlson Morrison). The range of hospice services provided in different regions has also been found to vary by region (Solnik, 2002 Wexler Frey, 2004). Patients in the Northeast received a significantly narrower set of services than those in other regions. Alternative forms of palliative care for end-of-life patients are quite common in the Northeast. These forms have recently reach outed as hospital-based palliative care programs more than in other regions. This cut back could have influenced the role and scope of hospice care offered in that region (Solnik, Wexler Frey).One more issue or problem is regulation of hospices itself (Solnik, 2002). In order to pay for hospice care, Medicare or a private insurer requires two physicians to sign a document that the patient has only six months or less to live. It then pays only for palliative treatment or management of symptoms and pain, not for the cure of the disease. This compels the patient to choose comfort or care over cure. The hospice industry has been by lobbying for a change in the regulation to allow or include curative treatment in hospice care. In collaboration with this initiative, the National Hospice and Palliative Care joining has also been lobbying for increased insurance reimbursements to include payments for costly procedures, like chemotherapy and radiation therapy (Solnik). Some approaches to these issues have been noted. increase disease complexity, the diversity of diagnoses and symptom burden are likely to increase direct physician care (Carlson Morrison, 2007).The patients primary care physician may continue to monitor the patients condition but he is also unlikely to possess appropriate training, knowledge and skills on palliative care (Carlson Morrison). Consolidation efforts in the industry has helped hospice care providers gain greater access to fund sources (Solnik, 2002). This is illustrated by the merging of hospice services among the Charles Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Mercy Medical Center and Good Samaritan. They created Good Shepherd. They, however, found that reducing the costs of products and services would not sustain them without extensive financing or fund-raising (Solnik). Some studies concentrate on the availability of hospice care to the gray in the rural areas (Solnik, 2002). Findings showed that the range of hospice services in the areas were parallel with those in the urban areas. The probability of fewer services in the rural areas can be dealt with by increasing reimbursement to cover travel expenses and attract skilled health professionals (Solnik).A New York legislation would expand Med icaid payment for disjoined hospices in response to the six-month limit requirement (Solnik, 2003). The initiative encouraged the construction of freestanding hospices, such as The Visiting Nurse Service Hospice of Suffolk, Inc. on Long Island and the Hospice Care Network in Manhasset. Freestanding hospices would create and provide facilities for the exclusive use of hospice care. Hospice beds in hospitals and nursing homes are currently only a small part of the overall facility. This would provide family support to take care of patients who do not have it and need it in their condition. Hospice care providers consider freestanding hospices a potentially important part of their industry (Solnik).Community AssessmentThe City of South Bend in Indiana is the seat of St. Joseph County in a region known as Michiana (Answers.com, 2008). The region covers counties in Indiana and Michigan. South Bend is famous for the University of Notre Dame and the winning football team, The Fighting Ir ish. It has a 107,789 population as of 2000. The Citys has niner medical centers, prominently the Hospice of St. Joseph County (McMahon, 2008). Employment in the health care and social services is 13.4% of the total.(McMahon). The Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization supervises hospice care in the City. Among the issues it confronts are treating the homeless at the end-of-life, the costs of end-of-life care to elderly patients, pain management, care-giving at the end-of-life, and futile care (2007). Treating the homeless at the end-of-life is a major concern for the City. They can seldom access hospice service for lack of resources for inpatient hospice, a home or social support (Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization, 2007). In addition, these homeless are already beset with substance abuse problems and psychical illness.Their need for hospital care is 3-4 times greater than expected and 36% longer than poor patients who have homes and encounter similar health pro blems. Some organizations offer them medical respite, short-term shelter with basic services for those too sick to function on the street. These organizations cannot, however, care for those who are nearing death. (Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization). Keeping to a medication regimen is a critical problem among homeless patients. They lack the money to buy them, lose their rifleings or suffer from symptoms of mental illness or substance abuse (Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization, 2007). Other problems they confront are the control of pain, the inability to discuss death and dying at home. Because of drug abuse, they may be opioid-tolerant and, thus, may need higher doses.If they stop taking drugs, they need specific treatment to handle withdrawal reactions. The homeless also less willing to discuss death on nib of what they have been denied in life. A study found that the homeless expect to die suddenly and violently. This prospect affects their willingness to discuss death. The homeless are also unlikely to have a surrogate or confidant who can make decisions for them in the event of incapacitation. Ethics committees or court-appointed guardians take their place for the function. And dying at home is not an option because they have no home. They are also unlikely to observe theater of operations rules in hospices. Experts recommend that homeless patients at the end-of-life be encouraged to form trusting relationships to insure or enhance curative and palliative care at that period (Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization).City laws are slated for revision to respond to these issues ((Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization, 2007). One will direct the Health Department to name a commission, which will enact rules for physicians to order for life-sustaining treatment. The other revision will further prove healthcare powers of attorney. Living wills merely provide instructions concerning life-sustaining treatment. Powers of a ttorney concerning the end-of-life wishes of a patient belong to the spouse as first priority, followed by adult children and then close friends ((Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization).BIBLIOGRAPHYCarlson, M. D. A., et al (2007). Hospice care what services do patients and theirFamilies receive? Health Services Research Health Research and educational Trust.Retrieved on November 20, 2008 fromhttp//findarticles.com./articles/p/mi_m4149/os_4_46/ai_n27331524?tag= substancecol1Indiana Hospice Palliative Care (2007). Crossroads. Indiana Hospice PalliativeCare, Inc. Retrieved on November 20, 2008 fromhttp//www.ihpco.org/January%2007%20crossroads.pdfMcMahon, P. M. (2008). Economic development for South Bend, Mishawaka and St.Joseph County. Project Future. Retrieved on November 20, 2008 fromhttp//www.projectfuture.org/index.htmMarshall, L. (2007). The business of dying. ColoradoBiz WiesnerPublications, Inc.Retrieved on November 20, 2008 fromhttp//findarticles.com/articles/p/mi_hb6 416/is_8_34/ai_n29369110?tag=contentcol1Solnik, C. (2002). Hospice industry struggling despite being busier than ever. LongIsland Business News Dolan Media Newswires. Retrieved on November 20, 2008 from
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
United For Israel Essay Example for Free
United For Israel Essay maven of Israel is inevitable today more than ever. All the inhabitants of Israel should come together at this moment and show solidarity in the c all told down of the external problems that are posed to this holy nation. Zionism as described in the holy books used by Christians and Jews has to be fulfilled. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1947 after the dreaded Holocaust was the initial stage in the fulfillment of the prophetic Zion. The Holocaust carried out by the Nazi was a traumatic experience to the Jews and the Christians alike. Israel at the moment is faced by numerous scourges from the enemies who become surrounded it. Unity in Israel is a indispensableness for us to face the impending danger that can be associated to the Holocaust during the Second World struggle (Merkley, space-reflection symmetry 1). Following the decision by the United Nations to establish a Jewish State in November of 1947, the valet generally agreed that justice had been done to the Jewish people. Thus diligent friends of the Zion agreed that the world of Israel as a just move was relative one.At the same date, the continued occupation of confused territories by Israel at present can be defended in name of justice with somewhat claiming that some people have suffered injustices due to the Israel occupation. The historical relationship between the churches and Israel has been influenced by their 1948-49 Israels Independence war whereby most church leaders had to rework the moral arithmetic finding justice in the claims innovative by the Arab Palestinians and little justice in the Israels position on the matter (Merkley, para 3).However, orthodox Christians have remained consistent in supporting the claims advanced by Israel. This has been driven by the notion that Christina Zionists have prioritized the case for the Restoration of the Jews as ordained by the scriptures and therefore resisting any such activities amounted to sinning (Merkley, para 6). In the current world, the World Council of Churches remains to be among the most formidable organizations that reprimand the activities of Israel in the warmheartedness East. Christian Zionists in Israel and around the world should not be swayed by this rhetoric and support the configuration taken by Israel.This letter was meant to convince the Christians to come and join the ranks of the Zionists spearheaded by the Jews. This is not in the vanquish interest of the Jewish state alone save must be looked at in terms of that tiny piece of land is the battleground for the survival of Jews and Christians alike and for the one deity who bestowed that land to the Jewish people as the fountain from which would flow the morality, the willingness to fight the forces of evil in the name of that one God (Weisman, para 5).The Zionist movement is faced with various threats and these forces of evils shall rule by the sword if left unchecked. Christians consider to join in the battle for the security of Israel which also expands to include the security of Christianity itself. It must be remark that if left unchecked, the evil forces shall destroy the Jewish people and the Christians will also be destroyed (Weisman, para 5). The alliance between the Christians and the Jews is not something to negotiate about now as there is no time for the negotiations.Zionists and those supporting the movement must unite to defeat the anti-Zionist tendencies that are witnessed in the world today. Israel is the epicenter of all this and that collaboration between the Christians and Jews is a necessity. Surrounded by enemies from virtually all directions, the Zion state faces eminent threat from its adversaries (Weisman, para 5). I appreciate the differences that have existed between the Jews and the Christians but this should not be our weakness in this crucial moment. Our perception about the messiah and his second coming must not be the situate to separate us.I know that Fundamental Christians talk of the Jewish conversion before the Second plan of attack of Messiah. I know that they hold the belief that those Jews who would have not been converted before the end of the world would perish in a Holocaust during the Battle of Armageddon (Robinson, para 16). These views should not divide us as we believe in the same God and we have to defend the prophetic Zion as inscribed in our Holy Scriptures. Conclusion I conclude this letter to my friends, the Christians with a call to unite.We have a projection at hand that calls us to come out in defense of Gods promise. Unity at this moment in time is more important than ever, and we shall be judged harshly by news report if we let this moment pass and our divisions cost us the in effect(p) to fulfill what the scriptures had prophesized. Zionism has come to pass and right now we are on track towards this fulfillment. There are various challenges as of now but this generation of Jews and Chri stians have to come together to accomplish what was started after the end of the Second World war through the creation of the Jewish State.Work Cited Merkley, Paul, C. Christian Attitudes towards the State of Israel A Birds-Eye View. 2003. Retrieved on 24th July 2010 from http//christianactionforisrael. org/attitudes. hypertext mark-up language Robinson, B. A. Christian Zionism Christian Support For The State Of Israel The Politics And Theology Of Armageddon. Retrieved on 24th July 2010 from http//www. religioustolerance. org/chr_isra. htm. Weisman, Inez. Christians and Jews in crude Cause. 2010. Retrieved on 24th July 2010 from http//christianactionforisrael. org/commoncause. html
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
A Brave New World-perspective analysis Essay Example for Free
A Brave New human-perspective analysis EssayImagine Brenda, a woman who will non under any circumstances trade her flavour in put to be conditioned, and and so live as a Beta in the Brave New World (BNW), universe. If this is the case, thence Brenda could not consistently accept Hedonism. This is due to the definition of Hedonism, the amount and strong point of bodily joyfulness in Brave New World (BNW), and the amount and intensity of bodily merriment here in received vitality.The definition of Hedonism leads one to maximize the amount of enjoyment and minimize the amount of anguish The tho thing in and of itself good in life is pleasure, and the only thing intrinsically bad in life is pain. Other things in life direct extrinsic nurture they can lead to every pain or pleasure, but do not produce the sensations by themselves. However, Hedonists ar only pertain with pleasure and pain, as these are the only intrinsic values. The distinctive factor that determine s a better life from a worse one, is the amount of net pleasure in ones life.The net pleasure is determined by subtracting the amount of pain in ones life from the amount of pleasure. Notice that Hedonism only determines better lives from worse ones, not good from bad. To make the differentiation between good and bad is an arbitrary decision and cannot be measurable through a comparable medium such as net pleasure. Quantitative Hedonism states that quantity and intensity are the only criteria that determine just how good a veritable pleasure is.If all pleasures resist only in quantity and duration, then the world in BNW is a dream for hedonists. Ones life in BNW is conditioned to be content and happy with ones, job, class in life, and the daily schedule of life. This schedule for ones life never changes and so delivers a maximum amount of pleasure due to being happy and content. spicy pleasure in BNW also comes from the open sexual relations between people. Basically, it is en couraged from childhood to have as many sex partners as possible, therefore maximizing the amount of pleasure from sex. The drug of excerpt in BNW is called Soma, and it delivers an amazing feeling without any hang everyplace effect like alcohol. This drug is distributed daily at ones work to maximize ones amount of body pleasure.With all of these factors enhancing pleasure, it is also important to state that not untold causes pain for ones life in BNW. There are no personal relationships to cause pain, jobs and education aregiven specifically for people, and life is very much planned and repetitive. This repetition is what maximizes the amount and duration of pleasure in BNW lives. In real life, there does not exist anything like the above mentioned pleasures, in every quantity or duration. Therefore, when comparing the net pleasure of a life in BNW to a real earthly life, a hedonist finds that BNW lives have a high net pleasure, and are thus far-off better. This is because the y in BNW have much more intrinsically good pleasure, and much less disappointment and intrinsically bad flatts. So, if Brenda refuses to trade her life in order to be conditioned and live a BNW life, then she could not consistently accept hedonism because trading her life would give her a higher net pleasure, and by definition, a better life.Brenda still could accept hedonism if she accepted qualitative hedonism, based on Mills distinction between higher and lower pleasures. According to Mills, certain pleasures have a distinct higher value than other pleasures. This can be due to a mere preference for one pleasure over another, with the preferred pleasure having more intrinsic value because it is preferred, and thus more net pleasure. This can also be due preferring higher intellectual mind pleasures, as opposed to body pleasures like those in BNW. Mills distinction goes hand in hand with qualitative hedonism, which adds superior to the criteria distinguishing pleasure (intensity and duration). Higher quality pleasure are generally thought to be intellectual and creative pleasures as compared to bestial pleasures. intragroup relationships can also be thought of as being a higher quality pleasure. It is not substantial, however, that these higher pleasures merely exist for a hedonist, these higher pleasure must contribute to a higher net pleasure in life in order to be of value. Since there are perfectly no intellectual or privileged pleasures in BNW, the argument could be made that the intellectual and intimate pleasures in real life give higher net pleasure, and thus a better life. This possible action also takes into account the pain that may be caused by relationships or by not attaining certain intellectual milestones. However, the argument can be made that the pleasure derived from these higher pleasures far surpasses any pain caused by them and guarantees a higher net pleasure than any life in BNW. If Brenda adopts this method of thinking, then sh e could both accept hedonism and still notwant to trade her life for a life in BNW.A qualitative hedonist, in order to consistently believe that actual life is better, must make that the overall net pleasure one receives in real life is more than the net pleasure one receives in the BNW universe. One must claim that experiences in actual life, including but not particular to intellectual and intimate pleasures, produce more net pleasure than a life of bestial pleasures in BNW. This includes all of the pain and hardships experienced in real life, but not in BNW. The argument is that even with all of this pain, the net pleasure is still higher in real life. This is also what Brenda must bring together to if she wishes to not trade her real life for a conditioned BNW life.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Cialis Case Study Marking Scheme Essay Example for Free
Cialis Case Study Marking Scheme Essay motility 1 (25 tag Total) According to information provided in the case, identify 3 principal(prenominal) ED food mart segments. unwrap individually segments characteristics, including opportunities and barriers for credence. Focus on key ED segments essential for future marketing bivouacaign, as opposed to all possible segments. If sufficient information is provided in the case, identify authority size of the segment.-Correctly identifying demographics/ maturate as a segment (2 marks) -Discuss main each succession sub-group 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+ segments (2 marks) and main barriers/opportunities to Cialis toleration ED as a normal part of aging vs. waiting for condition to go away (2 marks) passably reassert additional factors (up to 2 marks)-Correctly identifying sildenafil citrate usage status as a segment (2 marks) -Estimating size of Current sildenafil citrate Users/sildenafil Drop-outs/Never tried Viagra segments ( 1 mark) -Describing main barriers/opportunities to Cialis adoption by each sub-group focus on willingness to try Cialis dimensions (2 marks) possible reasons for dropping Viagra use (2 marks) reasonably justified additional factors (up to 2 marks)-Correctly identifying Benefit of Duration as a segment (2 marks) -Describing main barriers/opportunities to Cialis adoption by each sub-group of prior Viagra users drop-outs vs. current users and those who have not tried Viagra (4 marks) reasonably justified additional factors (up to 2 marks)-Partial marks awarded for ED market segments not mentioned above and a win over argument/description for such segments importance (up to 6 marks)Question 2 (10 Marks Total) Discuss evolution of the Viagra brand, how it is positioned on the market vs. publics perception of the brand and resulting opportunities for Cialis-Discuss advance(prenominal) endorsement by Bob Dole and localization (ie ED is a serious disease, targeting older age segment) (3 marks), followed by Mark Martin and change in targeting/brand messaging (associating Viagra with success and excitement, targeting younger age group) (3 marks)-Discuss the image of Viagra in popular culture and opportunities for Cialis (ridiculing public images creating barriers for men to overcome partner perceives that her economizes desire is a result of taking the pill, not genuine desire) (4 marks).Question (3) (20 Marks Total) Describe Pros and Cons of positioning Cialis (1) vertically based on duration of return and (2) horizontally based on attitudes toward sex. For this question, consider potential success with each market segment expound in Question 1 and discuss differences in profiles of Cialis vs. Viagra. Consider whether each positioning increases demand in general or converts Viagra users.-Pros and cons of Vertical positioning based on 36 hours vs. 4 hours. Should include the following oConvenience/Spontaneity/Week-ends (1 Mark)oEconomics/Frequency (1 Mark)oPotent ial safety concerns (1 Mark)oNo interaction with high-fat meals (1 Mark)oOr other factors, justified (up to 2 Marks)oEffective use of information provided in the case, particularly in-depth interviews to justify position (2 Marks)oEffective analysis of appeal to each segment (3 Marks)oEffect on demand (1 Mark)-Pros and cons of Horizontal Positioning based on attitude towards sex for Cialis vs. Viagra. Should include the followingoRomantic lifestyle (1 Mark)oExcitement/success (1 Mark)oMore natural sex dynamics for couples (1 Mark)oHero-enabler/ composition is the hero vs. the pill being hero (1 Mark)oOr other factors, justified (up to 2 Marks)oEffective use of information provided in the case, particularly in-depth interviews to justify position (2 Marks)oEffective analysis of appeal to each segment (3 Marks)oEffect on demand (1 Mark) straits 4 (35 Marks Total) By answering each of the sub-questions 1 through 5, discuss how you would launch Cialis into the market, remunerative car eful attention to the fact that incumbent may create certain barriers to overcome consider benefits for Cialis market share vs. the entire category and fit with each market segment.1)Briefly state your marketing strategy (horizontal vs. vertical) iterate your product positioning and launch strategy (5 Marks Total)2)Describe your chosen product attributes in the context of your positioning (hint describe only attributes you can control color, packaging, name, etc) (5 Marks Total)3)Describe your pricing strategy and provide annual per node revenue estimate (13 Marks total) -Analysis pricing target and market segments (5 Marks)-Analysis for pricing above/below Viagra (5 Marks)oFactors that should be coveredPrice image effectsEconomic benefit to patientConsumer willingness to pay partake of coverage by Health Plans-Per Customer Revenue Estimate (3 Marks Total)oEstimate revenue based on patient pills per year and proposed price (2 Marks) taking into account dropouts (1 Mark) or other r elevant factors (up to 1 Mark)4)Describe primary feather aspects of your launch strategy with respect to Pull vs. Push marketing (7 Marks Total).-Analysis should include the following factorsoAnalysis of relevant physician carriage urologists vs. generalists doctors may refuse prescriptions and do not initiate treatmentoAnalysis of relevant consumer behavioroRole of partnersoProduct promotions, other means to encourage trying CialisoSales force requirementsoConsistency with each target market and positioning5)Describe your converse Strategy (5 Marks Total)oAnalysis should include the following factorsCommunication to each market segmentCommunicating to patients, partners, Viagra users, and physiciansWhich mediums should be deployedWho should be featured in adds, what age group(s), genderEvent sponsorships and/or endorsementsQUESTION 5 (10 Marks Total) Given your responses in Question 4 and by doing to sub-questions 1 and 2, discuss how Pfizer may resolve to your Cialis positio ning and how this may be addressed post product launch (7 marks) Discuss how Cialis could anticipate and respond to introduction of Levitra by GSK (3 marks). 1)Discuss how Pfizer may respond to Cialis positioning (7 marks) oAnalysis should include the following factors close to likely response(s) from PfizerViagras long presence in the marketPromotions/discounts on ViagraThoughtful argument how Cialis camp might respondoDiscuss how Cialis could anticipate and prepare introduction of Levitra by GSK (3 marks). oAnalysis should include the following factorsLevitra profileMost likely positioning by GSKResponse, if any, by Cialis camp
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